
Investment Management

At Crown Bay Wealth, we believe that our distinctive investing approach and our extraordinary level of expertise help to set us apart.

Steady Income, Smart Growth

The success of any financial plan hinges on investment results: Too little growth—or too much volatility—and you can fall short of your most important goals.

At Crown Bay Wealth's, we strive to design an investment approach to achieve your goals. Through our growth-and-income style, we aim to capture total returns that help you beat inflation and reach your objectives.

Our investments of choice include dividend-paying stocks, carefully selected bonds, and alternative income sources, such as master limited partnerships. We seek to buy investments for less than their intrinsic value. History shows that such opportunities provide superior results over time.

Limited Taxes

Limiting the tax liabilities arising from your investments can help you reach your goals more quickly and efficiently. Thanks to our CPA-level tax expertise, we provide you with sophisticated tax-management strategies that simply aren't available elsewhere.

Experience Matters

Financial advisors have widely different levels of expertise. We believe that clients who entrust their wealth to an advisor deserve to work with one who has seen the highs and lows. Combined, CBW’s Portfolio managers, Gene and David, have over 50 years of market experience and believe in the investment philosophy, “It’s time in the market, not market timing.”

Our sophisticated investing and tax-management solutions are always tailored for your unique situation and objectives. We never use a one size fits all approach. With our expertise and a tireless dedication to every person we serve, we believe we're uniquely positioned to help you turn your plans into reality.

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